Monday, 27 July 2015

Positivity is Dead!

So they say, when one's happy they are positive. They think positive, eat positive, drink positive, live positive and probablyw even shit positive.
Well the opposite goes to the negation!

When you work in a company for as long as I have (and I'm sure many of you have and maybe more), you grow akin to a certain manner of working. Initially you learn and try to adapt, and then eventually you're attuned; you carry on working with a system that's already familiar to you.

Imagine CHANGE! And I'm not talking the positive kind (though I wish it were)
Positive people refrain from cribbing... they stray from negativity and that, in my field is the best time for creativity. The best of your work stems from the happiness you feel in the comfort and easy going nature of your workplace and of course your colleagues. No matter how ridiculous or annoying the project you are allotted you find the silver lining and make the best of it.
Now, I find myself gossiping, cribbing, irritated and annoyed most  of the time. And why?
My thoughts though predominantly focused on the task at hand has taken a turn to the dark side. I usually don't bad mouth any one or confront or even enrage someone. It's not in my nature to be a BITCH ...but when provoked I'm an insufferable little devil (at least I'm honest about that).

Call me whatever you like, I can't stand injustice. What would you say to someone who has no business in your business and yet wants in your business?  How do you say "back off it bitch" respectfully in a professional manner? How would you handle a manager who doesn't have your back ('coz he's lost his own backbone)? Would you bypass him and rat him out to your super boss?

Some people consider my department as a bunch of dumb f**** who have no have no formal learning. And it's condescending to type caste someone as illiterate. I'm an English minor with a degree in Mass Communication, who worked as a copywriter before entering this field of television. One who doesn't have their facts straight has not right to be judgmental and horribly inconsiderate. And OMG, don't get me started on their fat - ass egos.

Well I had to find a vent. Typing about this hasn't made my problems go away but sure has helped with a tiny percent of relief.
I know I can't always be right and I will have people critic and annoy me about my work, but if I carry a certain belief and confidence in what I do, I just wish that I had someone to share that confidence in me and support me for crying out loud!

Thank you my dear blog for being my mouth-less companion and allowing the time and energy to speak what I kept bottled up through out this day.


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